European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) is a standardized European system for signalling and speed monitoring of trains. The system will make it possible with seamless border crossings – interoperability. Norway has decided to replace all legacy signalling systems with ERTMS level 2. The system replaces most optical trackside signals with information about movement authorities and speed limits presented directly to the driver. The information is sent to the train via radio (GSM-R) and is presented in the driver cabin on a panel (DMI). ERTMS is a computer-based system that reduces the probability for human errors and is continuously monitoring the trains unlike the legacy point-based systems.
After widespread experience from eight years of working with the Norwegian ERTMS Pilot line (ØØL) and the Norwegian ERTMS-Programme, we can provide services for all phases of an ERTMS implementation:
- Tender phase – Experience from tender work and negotiations for ØØL, the Norwegian ERTMS-Programme and the Danish Signalling Program.
- Product approval (GP) – Experience from approval processes of new products for ERTMS for Norwegian installations.
- Country Adaptation (GA) – Experience from work with requirements specification (SRS) and testing.
- Design and Engineering management (SA) – Experience from engineering management and engineering for ØØL and in the bid phase for the Nowegian ERMTS-Programme.
- Installation and installation control – Experience from ØØL and many other large and small projects.
- Project management and site management – Experience from ØØL, the Norwegian ERTMS-Programme, several major projects with delivery of electronic signalling systems and many conventional relay interlockings of various sizes.
- Testing of specific application (SA) in lab and on site (preFat, FAT, SAT, FSOT) – Extensive experience from ØØL, including several modifications and upgrades after commissioning 31.08.2015. Experience also from FAT/SAT of the test line Roa-Hønefoss for the Norwegian ERTMS-Programme.
- Testing of ERTMS on-board equipment in lab and on site by train – Extensive experience from ØØL. Experience as ERMTS Test lab facility manager in the Norwegian ERTMS-Programme.
- On call duty, error corrections and follow-up of operations – Experience from the Norwegian Pilot line the first year after commissioning. After this assisting with complex error situations.
- Training – Experience from training of drivers and signalling personnel in the ERTMS system on the Pilot line. Certified instructor for ERTMS systems from Bombardier Transportation. Performed basic courses and refresher courses for signalling personnel after commissioning.
For additional information on our assignments and previous projects, please refer to our projects .
Do want to know more about our services or for any other queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Throughout the years, ProRail has carried out many large assignments. Read more about some of our previous projects.
