On the Vestfoldbanen line, Jernbaneverket built a new double track section between Holm and Nykirke. In the northern part, there was an interface to the existing double track section on Sande, and in the south the new line ended on Nykirke station with interface towards single track towards Tønsberg. Total length of the new double track was 14.2 km. A total of 12.4 km. of the line was built in a tunnel comprising Holmestrand station and adjacent line sections. The signalling system for the new section was delivered by Thales – ESTW L90 5, a class-B Interlocking with optical signals. The scope included necessary modifications on the Ebilock-950 Interlocking from Bombardier on the existing Sande part of the line. The new double track section was commissioned in November 2016.
prorail AS Contribution in the project (jan. 2014-MaY 2017):
Site Manager, signalling:
- Planning and follow-up installation and adaption of cable routes
- Daily follow-up of Thales and their installation subcontractors
- Follow-up of Bombardier and their installation subcontractors during modifications of existing IL, Ebilock 950
- Responsible for construction meetings
- Development of control plan and follow up on this
- Installation Control of all signalling installations
- Coordination with other railway system contractors (track, catenary etc.)
- Follow-up installation control done by Thales and Bombardier
- Participation during commissioning, SAT
Engineering manager / Project Engineer, signalling:
- Assistance to Project Manager, Project Manager for Engineering and Project Manager for RAMS with technical support
- Engineering and approval of signal drawings
- Technical meetings with Thales and Bombardier
- Acceptance check of document deliveries from Thales and Bombardier
- Keep track of changes and current revisions of drawings and documents
- Change control of variations from Bombardier and Thales against internal authorities
- Assistance to Site Manager with drawings and documentation.
- Participation during commissioning, SAT
References and further information are available on request: www.prorail.no / post@prorail.no / phone: (+47) 480 75 453.