Installation of temporary signalling Sandnes-Stavanger

Site management; installation; installation check out and function control of temporary signalling installations as preparations for the commissioning of the new class-B signalling system on the double track section Sandnes-Stavanger on the Sørlandsbanen line. The work was done in two separate phases by personnel certified as “Sikkerhetskontrollør signal” and “Sluttkontrollør F” by Jernbaneverket.

Installation Norwegian ERTMS Pilot line

Installation and installation check out services during the finalization of the installation of the new Bombardier Interflo 450 signalling system on the line Østfoldbanen Østre linje. The work was done by personnel certified as “Sikkerhetskontrollør signal” by Jernbaneverket.

Function control signalling; Sarpsborg-Berg

Function control of the signalling systems of Østfoldbanen Sarpsborg-Berg; after rebuild due to planned ballast cleaning. The installation and commissioning was done in several phases. Scope of the rebuild included new cables; track fields and outdoor cabinets for Skjeberg; Ingedal and Berg stations and adjacent line block sections.

Signalling function control; Ski station

Planning; installation check out and function control of the modified signalling system at Ski station on the Østfoldbanen line. The function control was done as part of the commissioning of the reduced Ski station; enabling building of the Follobanen line. The work was done by personnel certified by Jernbaneverket as “Sikkerhetskontrollør signal” and “Sluttkontrollør signal”.

Test of level crossing indications; Ganddal godsterminal

Installation; post installation check out and test of curcuits for status indication of the level crossings on Ganddal freight terminal in the VICOS TMS/CTC-system. The activities were performed with personnel certified by Bane NOR as “Sikkerhetskontrollør signal” og “Sluttkontrollør F”.

Signalling function control; Østfoldbanen Østre linje

As preparations for the Norwegian ERTMS Pilot line project; 5 of the stations on the line was rebuilt to allow for centralized traffic control. The scope of work included complete function control of the 5 stations; including the old NSI relay interlocking and trackside objects. Several level crossing installations were also included in the scope; both legacy relay installations and interface towards new BUES-2000 installations. All work was done by personnel certified as “Sluttkontrollør F” by Jernbaneverket.

Signalling maintenance Oslo S; Drammensbanen and Spikkestadbanen

Condition control; testing; adjustment and correction of deviations in signalling systems of type NSB-94; NSI-63 and NSB-77 on parts of Oslo central station and the complete line Spikkestadbanen and Drammenbanen. The work was done by certified signalling personnel (“Sikkerhetskontrollør signal” and “Sluttkontrollør F”).

Gevingåsen new signalling system

New tunnel “Gevingåsen” on Nordlandsbanen. Site management during test phase of the project. Test (function control) of the signalling system with Jernbaneverket certified “Sluttkontrollør F”.

Signalling function control Brattøra Trondheim station

Installation check out and function control of the NSI-63 relay interlocking for Trondheim station. The work was done by personnel certified by Jernbaneverket as “Sluttkontrollør F” during several phases of the project NAV Brattøra.