Reference Sheet UHN Holm – Nykirke

On the Vestfoldbanen line, Jernbaneverket built a new double track section between Holm and Nykirke. In the northern part, there was an interface to the existing double track section on Sande, and in the south the new line ended on Nykirke station with interface towards single track towards Tønsberg. Total length of the new double track was 14.2 km. A total of 12.4 km. of the line was built in a tunnel comprising Holmestrand station and adjacent line sections. The signalling system for the new section was delivered by Thales – ESTW L90 5, a class-B Interlocking with optical signals. The scope included necessary modifications on the Ebilock-950 Interlocking from Bombardier on the existing Sande part of the line. The new double track section was commissioned in November 2016.


prorail AS Contribution in the project (jan. 2014-MaY 2017):

Site Manager, signalling:

  • Planning and follow-up installation and adaption of cable routes
  • Daily follow-up of Thales and their installation subcontractors
  • Follow-up of Bombardier and their installation subcontractors during modifications of existing IL, Ebilock 950
  • Responsible for construction meetings
  • Development of control plan and follow up on this
  • Installation Control of all signalling installations
  • Coordination with other railway system contractors (track, catenary etc.)
  • Follow-up installation control done by Thales and Bombardier
  • Participation during commissioning, SAT


Engineering manager / Project Engineer, signalling:

  • Assistance to Project Manager, Project Manager for Engineering and Project Manager for RAMS with technical support
  • Engineering and approval of signal drawings
  • Technical meetings with Thales and Bombardier
  • Acceptance check of document deliveries from Thales and Bombardier
  • Keep track of changes and current revisions of drawings and documents
  • Change control of variations from Bombardier and Thales against internal authorities
  • Assistance to Site Manager with drawings and documentation.
  • Participation during commissioning, SAT




References and further information are available on request: / / phone: (+47) 480 75 453.

Reference Sheet SignAn, SSG Sandnes – Stavanger

SSG Sandnes – Stavanger was the first work order of the Norwegian signalling frame agreement for electronic class-B interlockings – SignAn. Scope of the Project was to commission a new interlocking for the (Klepp) – Stavanger section of the Sørlands-banen line. The Project also had the responsibility to get the new IL approved internally and by the Norwegian Railway Authority (“Statens Jernbanetilsyn”).

The project comprised.:

  • Responsible for follow-up of supplier for Generic Approval of Thales IL ESTW L90 5.
  • Installation and commissioning of Thales IL (Interlocking) at Ganddal Freight Terminal
  • Installation and commissioning of Thales IL at 5 stations and 4 block posts.
  • Finalize the adaptions of other railway systems necessary for the commissioning (i.e. track works, catenary works, low voltage works).
  • Training of technical and operational personnel


prorail AS Contribution in the project (may 2012- march 2018):

Thales signed a contract with Jernbaneverket (now Bane NOR) on total system responsibility for design, engineering, installation, testing and commissioning of the new IL.

ProRail contributed with the following:

  • Planning and follow-up installation and adaption of cable routes.
  • Daily follow-up of Thales and their installation subcontractor’s.
  • Responsibility for follow up of engineering of track and catenary systems on the double track section Sandnes – Stavanger.
  • Participated in several analyzes, workshops and clarifying meetings with Thales according to generic approval.
  • Participation in several analyzes, workshops and clarifying meetings with Technology, Traffic department etc. in connection with generic and specific approval.
  • Follow-up tests done by Thales on site. This includes installation control, Pre-test and pre-SAT.
  • Participation during commissioning tests, SAT.



References and further information are available on request: / / phone: (+47) 480 75 453.

Reference Sheet Norwegian ERTMSpilot line Østfoldbanen Østre Linje

Østfoldbanen Østre Linje (ØØL) is an 80 km. long line through the inner parts of Østfold, from Ski to Sarpsborg. The Project was responsible for implementing the new European signalling system ERTMS for the first time in Norway. The ERTMS system on ØØL was commissioned in August 2015. The project comprised:

  • Establishment and testing of new traffic safety regulations for ERTMS lines
  • Rebuilding and upgrading of 5 stations
  • Engineering and installation of new ERTMS signalling systems at 7 stations, 17 level crossings and automatic level transition on 2 adjacent stations
  • Training of technical and operational personnel
  • Technical and operational testing of the system with ERTMS-equipped trains

prorail AS Contribution in the project (April 2011- march 2018)

Bombardier Transportation RCS AB signed a contract with Jernbaneverket (now Bane NOR) on total system responsibility for design, engineering, installation, testing and commissioning of the new ERTMS system. ProRail AS was subcontracted by Bombardier already in the bid phase and contributed with the following:

  • Responsibility for installation and contract execution during the bid phase and contract negotiations with customer.
  • Project management on behalf of Bombardier from contract award to customer acceptance of the SRS. This phase included the establishment of administrative routines, system design, engineering of the system and start-up of the installation.
  • Project management and site management for the activities in Norway following customer acceptance of the SRS. This phase included installation, testing, commissioning, operational testing, training, establishment of the maintenance organization, establishment of spare part storage, training, following up of operational status of the system after commissioning.
  • On board test and safety responsibility for all test train activities: Training of drivers, type testing of OBU’s, trackside commissioning, full scale operational test, presentation and marketing etc. adding up to 120 days of test train activities.
  • Test and commissioning of various ERTMS subsystems with personnel authorizes as “sluttkontrollør F” for the ERTMS system.
  • Participation in ERTMS support team together with customer after commissioning – On call duty, troubleshooting, error correction and customer support.
  • Preparation and execution of rehearsal courses for customer signalling personnel (“sikkerhetskontrollør”, “sluttkontrollør F” and system specialists).



References and further information are available on request: / / phone: (+47) 950 49 553.

Track replacement “Solørbanen”

The project scope was to replace sleepers and rails on parts of “Solørbanen”. The ProRail scope was to plan and supervise the sub-contractor activities related to existing signalling installations and necessary documentation of the signalling works.

Signalling Oslo S; EPC Railway Systems Follobanen

InfraNord Norge won the Railway System contract for Oslo S with the scope to engineer; install; test and commission all permanent adaptions of Oslo Central station for the new Follobanen double track line. Track works; catenary; telecom; low voltage; high voltage and signalling systems are included in the scope. ProRail AS scope is engineering of the signalling system for procurement and installation; project and site management for the signalling subproject; sub-contracting of installation contractors; installation check out and function control of the signalling system. The NSB-77 relay interlocking will be modified and will border the new Thales class-B interlocking at the new entry signal for Oslo S in the new Follobanen tunnel. The project scope will be commissioned during several phases; ending in 2022 with commissioning of the complete Follobanen line. The project requires high capacity of personnel with signalling certifications from Bane NOR.

Norwegian ERTMS-pilot Østfoldbanen Østre linje

The overall project scope was to establish the first ERTMS-line in Norway on behalf of Jernbaneverket; including a completely new signalling system; traffic management system; adaption of operational rules; maintenance preparations and training. ProRail AS scope was project management from contract award until the approval of the SRS; including Norwegian functionality (December 2012). After JBV approval of the SRS; the scope was project management responsibility for all activities in Norway and necessary participation in the activities; i.e.: Complete site management scope; follow up of installation sub-contractor NJD AS; part of the test teams doing start-up and function control of the sub-systems; commissioning responsibility for the axle counter system and the hand held terminal system; establishing maintenance requirements; safety responsibility and test leader onboard for all test and commissioning activities on site. After commissioning in August 2015; the ProRail AS scope was follow up of system performance and issues; establishing operational work arounds and participation in installation; test and commissioning of updates of the system with Jernbaneverket approved “Sluttkontrollør F”.

Ombygging Orstad sidespor og klepp

Installation; post installation check out and test of temporary changes in existing signalling installation during SAT of new class-B signalling system for the double track line Sandnes-Stavanger. The activities were performed in two phases by personnel approved by Bane NOR as “Sikkerhetskontrollør signal” and “Sluttkontrollør F”.

Engineering and commissioning; signalling Ski station

In connection with building of new road bridge over the station area; as part of the Follobanen project; parts of the trackside signalling objects had to be moved. ProRail AS scope was to engineer the changes; engineer commissioning plan and do the function control and commissioning of the modified signalling system. Ski station is a border station on the Østfoldbanen line; separating the western part of the line and the eastern ERTMS-line. The work was done by personnel certified by Jernbaneverket as “Sluttkontrollør signal”.

Commissioning of renewed track sections Oslo S

Function control and commissioning of 22 new track fields; cables and 7 outdoor cabinets as part of the renewal of track sections Project. The objects was part of the NSB-77 relay interlocking on Oslo Central station and the work was done by personnel certified by Bane NOR as “Sluttkontrollør F” during night and weekend shutdowns of Oslo S.