Engineering management; engineering and quality controll of new signalling system for Holmen freight terminal. The engineering works are done according to Bane NOR signalling processes.
Signalling engineering; Rudshøgda timber terminal
ProRail scope was to present possible solutions for a new freight terminal for timber on Rudshøgda stastion and engineering management and engineering of the necessary signalling works. The engineering was done according to Bane NOR signalling processes.
Local control system for point operation on Majorstua station
Engineering of local control system for points in the shunting area of the KTPAS metro station Majorstua. Site management during installation and test of the system.
Training in engineering process and requirements
Training of Danish signalling personnel in Norwegian signalling engineering process and technical requirements for Norwegian engineering contracts towards Jernbaneverket.
Engineering of signalling system; Østensjøbanen metro line
Subcontract for engineering of the signalling system for rebuild of the Oslo metro line Østensjøbanen. Follow up of the installation phase and production of as-built and maintenance documentation for end client KTPAS.
Engineering and commissioning; signalling Ski station
In connection with building of new road bridge over the station area; as part of the Follobanen project; parts of the trackside signalling objects had to be moved. ProRail AS scope was to engineer the changes; engineer commissioning plan and do the function control and commissioning of the modified signalling system. Ski station is a border station on the Østfoldbanen line; separating the western part of the line and the eastern ERTMS-line. The work was done by personnel certified by Jernbaneverket as “Sluttkontrollør signal”.
Cable survey; Drammen-Kobbervik
Survey and registration of all cables on Drammen station and the Drammen-Kobbervik section on the Vestfoldbanen line. Production of documentation of cable troughings and cable lists. Coordination towards contractors during ongoing modifications of Drammen station.
Cable survey; Oslo S Follobanen
Survey and registration of all cables on Oslo Central station relevant for the construction of the Follobanen line. Production of documentation of cable troughings and cable lists.
Quality control of signalling documentation for Oslo S
Quality control and update of app. 2.800 signalling drawings for the Oslo Central station central interlocking; including surrounding areas like Skøyen; Nationaltheateret; the Oslo tunnel; Lodalen and Loenga. A lot of construction work in the area during the last years; had produced several as-built versions of the documentation and scope of work was to achieve released (“FDV”)-status on all documentation. Comprised both the NSB-77 relay interlocking and trackside objects. Also new relay tables and cross connection register for internal cables was made. The scope also included delivery of baseline documentation for ongoing projects.
Quality control signalling; Engineering of Tøyen metro station Oslo
3. party quality control of signalling drawings for the modified metro station Tøyen in Oslo.